Microneedle Radiofrequency Krakow
Novelty! Secret Rf 2.0
Microneedle RF is a procedure that combines two mechanisms of action. At the same time, micro-puncturing of the skin is performed and the thermal effect is induced in its deeper layers. The RF treatment is widely used in face and body care. It allows you to smooth out wrinkles and acne scars, and allows you to get a face lifting effect. Moreover, it enables firming the skin of the body, reducing scars and stretch marks, as well as cellulite. In our clinic, we offer the most modern version of microneedle fractional radiofrequency – Secret RF 2.0
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What is Microneedle Radiofrequency?
Rafiofrequency is a fractional rejuvenation treatment that involves puncturing the skin with simultaneous heating of the tissue via radio waves. The head is equipped with thin needles with precisely controlled injection depth – from 0.5 to 3.5 mm. The needles emit a radio wave which heats the tissues along the entire length of the needles. The radio wave frequency exceeds 0.3 MHz, usually between 0.5 and 1 MHz. It is possible to adjust the frequency of radio waves, so that the device allows you to obtain an effect tailored to the individual needs of the patient. In addition, the gradual increase in the frequency of the wave, and thus the accompanying thermal effect, helps to avoid pain and significantly increases the patient’s comfort during the procedure.
Radiofrequency causes the phenomenon of diathermy, i.e. deep heating of the tissues. The heat source does not come from the outside, but is in the tissue. This allows the tissues to be evenly heated. The temperature generated during the treatment reaches 45-60 degrees. Then you can get the following effects:
- widening of capillary blood vessels, thanks to which more oxygen and nutrients reach the cells
- shortening of collagen fibers, their greater tension and stimulation of fibroblasts to synthesize new collagen
The process of skin puncturing itself also stimulates collagen synthesis and blood supply to tissues. Thanks to such a comprehensive action, the skin remodels, strengthens its structure and smooths the surface.
Why Secret RF 2.0
Secret Rf 2.0 microneedle radiofrequency is the most modern version of this technology by the American company Cutera (the world leader in aesthetic medicine). Secret RF 2.0 is considered to be one of the top 2-3 best devices in the US. It gives great opportunities for more precise and effective operation. Due to the availability of a larger number of heads and treatment tips, the machine can be used in a much wider spectrum of indications.
Microneedle radiofrequency uses four types of heads:
- Standard head for fractional micro-puncturing, reducing wrinkles, smoothing scars and improving skin tension
- High Speed fractional micro-puncture head for body treatments
- monopolar head, operating by heating the dermis, thanks to which it is possible to very effectively stimulate fibroblasts to synthesize collagen without the need to puncture the skin
- SmartCure head, equipped with a single needle, which thanks to the precise thermocoagulation action allows for the reduction of scars and dilated capillaries.
Another feature that distinguishes Secret’s radiofrequency from other treatments of this type is the availability of various needle tips. The tip can be equipped with 10 micro-needles, 25 or 64 micro-needles. Thanks to the even distribution of the needles, a homogeneous thermocoagulation zone is guaranteed. Another innovation concerns the use of two types of needles – non-insulated and semi-insulated. Non-insulated needles allow for simultaneous action on all layers of the skin and their even heating. In turn, the action of semi-insulated needles comes down to the treatment of stretch marks or scars.
Thanks to the Smooth Nedling system, the needles are smoothly inserted into the skin, which translates into greater comfort during the treatment and the possibility of faster post-treatment regeneration.
Microneedle Radiofrequency Krakow – indications
The radiofrequency treatment is widely used. Microneedle radiofrequency for the face is indicated in the following cases:
- changing the oval of the face
- flaccidity of selected parts of the face, e.g. cheeks or chin, jaw, mouth area
- the appearance of wrinkles and furrows (lion’s wrinkles, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, nasolabial furrows, wrinkles around the mouth)
- the presence of acne scars
- enlarged skin pores
- dark circles and bags under the eyes
- excessive oily skin
- drooping eyelids and lowering the eyebrow line
- uneven skin tone
Micro-needle radiofrequency can also be performed on many areas of the body, such as the neck, abdomen, buttocks, arms and thighs. The treatment is perfect for problematic places such as the knees or the inner surface of the arms (the so-called pelicans). Then the main indication for the treatment is the loss of skin firmness, as well as the presence of stretch marks and scars. The treatment is effective in the case of caesarean section scars and other postoperative scars, as well as post-traumatic or burn scars.
Most importantly – the treatment can be performed all year round.
How is the microneedle radiofrequency treatment performed?
Microneedle radiofrequency is a procedure preceded by anesthesia, therefore, an anesthetic cream is applied for 20-30 minutes before puncturing the skin. The treatment consists in applying the head to selected parts of the skin. The needles penetrate the skin to a certain depth, and the skin heats up to 45-60 degrees. The procedure – depending on the area of the skin that is punctured – takes about 45 to 90 minutes.
Preparation for the procedure and post-treatment recommendations
Before performing skin puncture with microneedle radiofrequency equipment, you should remember a few important rules. First of all – it is inadvisable to sunbathe or use a self-tanner, as well as to perform skin exfoliating treatments, such as chemical peels. If the skin is dry, it is necessary to moisturize it with cosmetics or appropriate treatments. And it should be remembered that the procedure should always be preceded by a consultation with an aesthetic medicine doctor. The consultation is used to assess the patient’s skin, discuss the expected effects and exclude any contraindications to the procedure.
Immediately after the treatment, the skin subjected to the puncture may be red and slightly swollen. Then it is advisable to use soothing preparations, e.g. containing ceramides strengthening the hydrolipid barrier. During the first 5 days after the treatment, it is worth refraining from using cosmetics that may irritate and dry the skin, i.e. those containing alcohol or perfume. In addition, make-up is inadvisable. It is a good idea to refrain from using the sauna or swimming pool for the first week. The scabs formed must not be scraped off and the skin must not be irritated. It is recommended to avoid sun exposure for a month after the treatment, it is necessary to use anti-UV filters. In order to support regenerative processes, vitamin C can be supplemented for a month after the treatment.
What are the effects of the RF microneedle treatment?
he effects of microneedle radiofrequency are noticeable after the first treatment. However, in order to maximize the effects, it is recommended to perform 3-6 treatments with an interval of 3-4 weeks. Microneedle radiofrequency is a beautifying therapy of a progressive nature, which means that the effect appears gradually. A few days after the first treatment, you can notice a clear skin tension, but to be able to assess the final effect of the therapy, it is necessary to wait about 2 months after the last treatment in the series. This time is needed for the synthesis of new collagen fibers and comprehensive reconstruction of the skin structure.
The possibility of adjusting the device’s operating parameters, such as the depth of punctures, as well as the intensity and time of skin heating, allows for full personalization of the procedure. Since the treatment is precisely tailored to the individual needs of a given patient, it is possible to achieve spectacular results.
In the case of flabby skin, it is possible to obtain a thermolifting effect, i.e. increasing the density of the skin, strengthening its structure and firming it. The face looks younger, with the correct oval restored. It is possible to correct flabby cheeks, hamsters. Wrinkles and furrows are smoothed, and acne scars – reduced. The effect of microneedle face treatment is also reducing the activity of sebaceous glands and reducing the visibility of pores and alleviating acne lesions.
The effect of radiofrequency performed in various areas of the body may be firming and smoothing the skin and eliminating stretch marks and scars.
Microneedle radiofrequency Krakow – contraindications
Performing the microneedle radiofrequency procedure is excluded due to the following factors:
- pregnancy and breastfeeding
- tendency to develop keloids
- viral, bacterial or fungal skin infections
- the presence of such skin diseases as psoriasis, vitiligo, rosacea
- pacemaker or metal implants at the treatment site
- decompensated diabetes
- vascular thrombosis and other blood clotting disorders
- malignant tumors
- autoimmune diseases
- epilepsy
Relative contraindications that require a time shift in the treatment are recently performed botox or hyaluronic acid injection procedures or chemical peels.