Scar removal Krakow
Treatment and removal of scars depends largely on their type, location and age. Currently, there are a lot of methods that can help you effectively remove scars. In most cases, however, it is best to combine different therapies that give the best results.
Invasive or non-invasive methods of scar removal?
Especially when the scar is fresh, good effects can be achieved by using pharmacological agents that contain allantoin, heparin or onion extract. Increasingly, formulations with silicone, in the form of creams or plasters are also used in these types of therapies often become an element of compression therapy, especially in the treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars. The pressure exerted on such changes may limit their growth and accelerate maturation.
Keloids and hypertrophic scars respond well to therapies using steroids, so it is worth consulting this matter with a dermatologist. In many cases, patients are also recommended cryotherapy, which involves deep scar freezing and providing fantastic laser therapy effects, combined with micro-entrainment or administering platelet-rich plasma.
If no other methods are effective, or if the scar is very large, surgical intervention is the only option. The scar is cut and sewn again using a tension-free technique. It is necessary to remember, however, that when it comes to keloids and hypertrophic scars, the majority of patients experience a relapse.
When doctors deal with extremely extensive scars, caused for example by burns and chemical substances, the best solution is a skin graft from other parts of the body. However, these is extremely complicated and painful treatment, which is associated with a very long period of convalescence. In many situations it is worth undergoing, because the effects are amazing. The best example of this is the story of Katie Piper, whose career as a model and television presenter was interrupted by one dramatic event. As a result of acid being spilt on her face at the request of a former boy, Katie’s world was ruined. The scorched and practically skinless woman’s face looked drastic, but thanks to the efforts of doctors and, among others, multiple skin transplants, today she looks really good.
Invasive methods may therefore also bring the intended results, but they are not intended for everyone. Some patients who are prone to scarring even after minor injuries should decide to use other methods to remove them.
Efekty przed i po
Removal of acne scars
First we have to take care of the acne itself to even think about removing acne scars. If you do not do it, the treatment performed may be to some extent unsuccessful, but they will also affect the symptoms of this disease. In the first place, acne should be muted, for example with the help of drugs prescribed to us by a dermatologist, or pyruvic acid. The doctor decides which method is right for you, of course.
Acne scars can be effectively eliminated by laser therapy. In the case of deeper scars, it is worth combining the laser application with giving the patient the platelet-rich plasma, which significantly accelerates skin regeneration. Shallow scars caused by acne can also be removed with a laser, but a much cheaper solution is to use microneedle RF.
Removal of burn scars
Burn scars are among the most complicated in terms of their treatment and leveling. The choice of the appropriate method depends on many factors, such as the age of the scar, its size, depth and extent of burns. Scar removal in many cases is unfortunately very difficult, painful and long-lasting.
Usually, combined therapies are best suited to the individual patient’s needs. Their effects are really good, but you have to remember that you cannot completely get rid of this scar. The methods used to reduce scars, however, allow them to be smoothed, shallower and unification of the structure, so that their appearance is very similar to how our natural, undamaged skin looks like.
Removal of scars after cuts
In most cases, scars resulting from cuts are quite shallow. Therefore, a few laser therapy or microneedle RF therapy sessions can be enough to achieve the intended effect. However, if the cut was deep, we usually have a hypertrophic scar that requires a little more attention from us. Then, the most effective method of scar removal is the use of an innovative Er:Yag iPixel laser. Unfortunately, other lasers, such as Co², may in this case only worsen the state of burn scars.
Removal of scars after surgery and cesarean section
The scar created by the operation or cesarean section is a combination of two fragments of the skin. For this reason, it is hard and in the first place requires proper softening and stretching. In the process of removing this type of scar, it is worth starting with Endermolift treatment sessions, which will perfectly prepare it for further therapy. When the desired effect is achieved, you can start working on the scar using a laser. Although the results of such treatments are already really good, it is also worth thinking about the additional stimulation of collagen production and skin regeneration by providing platelet rich plasma. The number of treatment session after which we notice a positive change in the appearance of the scar, may vary. However, 4-6 laser treatments are in this case the minimum.
It should be remembered that post-surgical scars and caesarean section have discolorations, most often red. This defect can also be compensated by using IPL treatment carried out using a Dye-VL head. As a result, the colour of the scar is aligned with the colour of the dermis, which makes it much less visible.