Laser closure of dilated capillaries and spider veins on legs

Laser Alma Harmony XL pro Nd:yag

Cracked and dilated blood vessels on the legs are a condition that affects women of all ages. Bursting blood vessels on the legs at a young age may be a consequence of genetic predisposition or hormonal disorders. Broken blood vessels on the legs are very common during pregnancy. In turn, blood vessels on the legs in old age may result from the loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and their increased tendency to crack and widen. Spider veins on the legs should not be treated solely as an aesthetic defect – dilated blood vessels are one of the first symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency. What to do if veins appear on your legs? How to get rid of the problem?

Laser closure of dilated capillaries on the legs with the Harmony XL pro Nd: Yag laser

Closing broken blood vessels on the legs with a laser is a method that works well in the case of small vascular changes. On the other hand, in the case of deeper spider veins and more extensive varicose veins, sclerotherapy is ideal, and very extensive vascular changes are surgically removed. The laser for blood vessels on the legs should be highly effective, which is expressed, among others, by the possibility of removing deeper vascular lesions. For this reason, it is necessary to use a laser dedicated to such deeper vascular changes as blood vessels on the legs. The Alma Harmony Pro laser platform is a comprehensive solution used to reduce dilated blood vessels. The versatility of this solution lies in the possibility of using two modules – the Dye VL module effectively removes blood vessels on the face, and the Nd: Yag module – the vessels on the legs. Thanks to the long-term pulse technology with a wavelength of 1064 nm, it is therefore possible to remove large spider veins on the legs. The modern Nd: Yag laser technology allows to obtain the effect of selective photothermolysis. The emitted laser beam is absorbed by two chromophores – hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin, which overheats and shrinks the walls of blood vessels. The extended duration of the pulse ensures deep penetration of the laser beam, reaching slightly deeper vessels. It is also worth emphasizing that the 1064 nm beam is minimally absorbed by melanin, which reduces the risk of skin burns during the treatment. The method of reducing dilated capillaries with the Nd:Yag laser has a number of amenities that increase patient comfort during the procedure – e.i., among others, the Slow Motion technology that shortens the treatment time by up to half, as well as a sapphire cooling head. In light of so many advantages, laser closure of dilated capillaries on the legs with the Nd:yag laser turns out to be the most effective and safest method of fighting spider veins on the legs.

What is the procedure of laser closure of dilated capillaries on the legs?

The procedure of laser closure of dilated capillaries on the legs must be preceded by a medical consultation, during which contraindications to the procedure are excluded. Two weeks before the procedure, sunbathing and photosensitizing drugs should be avoided. Depending on the treated area, the procedure takes several to several dozen minutes. The procedure is as simple as applying the laser head to the areas of the skin where blood vessels shine through. The treatment does not cause any pain or discomfort, so there is no need to use local anesthesia. The treatment is non-invasive and does not damage the skin surface, acting selectively on blood vessels. Thanks to this, the treatment does not require convalescence, and immediately after leaving the aesthetic medicine office, you can return to everyday activity. Post-treatment procedure includes resignation from sunbathing, as well as a ban on using the sauna or swimming pool. Moreover, after the procedure of blood vessels closure on the legs, intensive physical effort should be avoided.

Effects of removing spider veins on legs with Nd: yag laser

The Alma Harmony Nd: Yag laser affects the dilated capillary, causing a controlled thermal effect and closing the lumen of the blood vessel. Immediately after the treatment, the skin may be slightly red and swollen; these symptoms disappear on their own within 48 hours. Immediately after the treatment, the blood vessels treated with the laser may become slightly darker in color and then gradually disappear.

When are the effects of the treatment visible?

The final effect of the treatment can be assessed after about three weeks. Just one Nd: Yag laser treatment allows you to completely remove the vessels or significantly reduce their visibility. The effectiveness of the treatment is dictated by the extent of the vascular changes, their depth and the type of blood vessel. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated at intervals of 4 – 6 weeks.

Contraindications to the procedure

Laser closure of the blood vessels on the legs cannot be performed in those people who have contraindications to laser therapy. Which means such contraindications as:

  • fresh tan
  • inflammation and skin infections
  • albinism or psoriasis
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • decompensated diabetes
  • use of photosensitizing preparations, retinoids
  • epilepsy
  • cancers
  • tendency to develop keloids
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Laser closure of dilated capillaries and spider veins on legs

Procedure 1 Procedure Package Package

Laser closure of dilated capillaries and spider veins on legs

Single vein

1 Procedure

300 PLN


1 Procedure

700-1200 PLN


1 Procedure

1000 PLN

1500 PLN