Laser blood vessel and discoloration removal Krakow

Alma Harmony XL Pro

Enlarged blood vessels or discolorations on the face of the neck and neckline is a big aesthetic problem for many of us. Why is it worth choosing laser blood vessel removal and laser removal of discoloration? The answer is very simple: the innovative technology of the Alma Harmony XL Pro Dye-VL platform will cope with two problems at once, and will also firm and brighten our skin. There is no other equally effective method that can cope with these defects at the same time, and also minimize the recovery period. Of course, during the treatment, the appropriate parameters for the given change are selected (one for capillaries, another for discoloration), while the experienced specialist is able to combine 2-in-1 during one procedure, yielding great results.

Laser blood vessel removal Dye-VL

Course of treatment, effects, procedure

Alma Lasers, the global leader in the field of laser has expanded its portfolio by introducing the Dye-VL series. Dye-VL is different from other devices because it emits IPL light, given that it is a combination of two Dye-PL and Dye-SR modules into one, thanks to which the most effective and stable light emission with a length of 500-600nm is obtained. Dye-VL is an IPL light-emitting head (not to be confused with IPL for laser hair removal). The procedure itself is not the most pleasant, but the cooling technology applied in the head makes the treatment as comfortable as possible. The effects of the procedure of blood vessel removal with a laser are visible immediately. If the area we operate on is very vascularized, it is best to perform a series of 3 to 4 treatments to completely get rid of the problem. You need to know that vessels that have not been closed completely tend to be recur. In addition, it should be remembered that the capillaries form a network and if any minimum focus, even that which is not visible to the naked eye, has not been eliminated, after some time it will start to expand again. The Dye-VL laser can deal with virtually every vascular change, or even port wine spills, which many people have since birth (hemangiomas). It should be noted that Dye-VL does not close the capillaries on the legs. They are extensive and deeply localized vascular changes, thus requiring different treatment. After the laser procedure of blood vessel removal, it is worth using creams that silence the irritated skin and bring quick relief. Until a few days after the procedure, the skin may be swollen and reddened, which later spontaneously passes by.

Dye-VL laser discoloration removal

Methods, effects, recommendations

Discoloration is an aesthetic flaw that affects both men and women. There are many reasons for discoloration, although sun and solarium are the most common. In addition to aesthetic issues, dark spots undoubtedly give us additional years, so it is worth getting rid of them. There are many methods for getting rid of discoloration, including chemical peels, CO² laser, ablation and non-ablative fractional lasers, Cosmelan or even whitening creams. We have most of the above methods in our clinic. All these methods, although they are more or less invasive or effective, have one thing in common. Their action is based on exfoliation of the skin, in order to reach the skin from underneath, which is brighter. Many of our patients who have been suffering from discolorations for years and have used various methods, unanimously state that the skin becomes whiter after peeling, but the discoloration is still visible.
The Dye-VL operation is completely different since the laser light is directly directed to the area affected by discoloration on the face, neck, cleavage or hand, thanks to which it catches excess melanin and that’s why Dye- VL technology is superior to every other. This is not a treatment, typically exfoliating the skin. It works on the principle of artificial intelligence, which is sensitive to excess melanin and reduces it. During the first few days after the treatment, the discoloration darkens, after which the dead skin peels off. It is estimated that the first treatment removes about 40-60% of discolouration. It is worth noting that the area where the discoloration has been removed is our natural skin color, not the brightening effect, as in the case of exfoliation. After the laser discoloration removal treatment, an absolute ban on sunbathing for a month is obligatory, and exposed parts subjected to treatment should be protected with 50 SPF filter creams.

Before and after Dye- VL

Before DYE VL treatment  After DYE VL treatment
Before DYE VL treatment  After DYE VL treatment
Before DYE VL treatment  After DYE VL treatment

DYE-VL Indications

  • port wine stains
  • hemagiomas
  • telangietasias
  • Acne rosacea
  • erythema
  • ruby marks
  • spider veins
  • poikilodermia
  • vascular malformations
  • hyperpigmentation
  • freckles
  • solar lentigines
  • café-a-lait stains

DYE-VL Contraindications

  • pregnancy and breast feeding
  • fresh sun tan
  • self-tanning and bronzing balms
  • use of medicines and photosensitizing herbs
  • decompensated diabetes
  • cancer
  • epilepsy
  • vitiligo
  • tendency to the formation of keloids
  • bacterial or viral infection
  • inflammation of the skin
See the effects of our treatments
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Laser blood vessel and discoloration removal Krakow

Procedure 1 Procedure package of 3 treatments package of 4 treatments

Blood vessel removal/discoloration removal Dye-VL

single blood vessel/discoloration

1 Procedure

300 PLN

valley of the upper lip

1 Procedure

500 PLN

package of 3 treatments

1300 PLN

1500 PLN

package of 4 treatments

1700 PLN

2000 PLN


package of 3 treatments

1300 PLN

1500 PLN

package of 4 treatments

1700 PLN

2000 PLN


1 Procedure

500 PLN

package of 3 treatments

1300 PLN

1500 PLN

package of 4 treatments

1700 PLN

2000 PLN


1 Procedure

600 PLN

package of 3 treatments

1600 PLN

1800 PLN

package of 4 treatments

2100 PLN

2400 PLN


1 Procedure

600 PLN

package of 3 treatments

1600 PLN

1800 PLN

package of 4 treatments

2100 PLN

2400 PLN


1 Procedure

700 PLN

package of 3 treatments

1900 PLN

2100 PLN

package of 4 treatments

2400 PLN

2800 PLN


1 Procedure

800 PLN

package of 3 treatments

2100 PLN

2400 PLN

package of 4 treatments

2700 PLN

3200 PLN


1 Procedure

800 PLN

package of 3 treatments

2100 PLN

2400 PLN

package of 4 treatments

2700 PLN

3200 PLN


1 Procedure

1200 PLN

package of 3 treatments

3200 PLN

4500 PLN

package of 4 treatments

4100 PLN

6000 PLN

face + neck + cleavage

1 Procedure

1500 PLN

package of 3 treatments

4000 PLN

4500 PLN

package of 4 treatments

5000 PLN

6000 PLN

Rosacea removal

1 Procedure

800 PLN

package of 3 treatments

2100 PLN

2400 PLN

package of 4 treatments

2700 PLN

3200 PLN