LPG Alliance Medical Cellu M6 Krakow


LPG Alliance Medical is currently the best equipment used for sports, therapeutic, relaxation massage and lymphatic drainage. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is very popular among physiotherapy and aesthetic medicine clinics around the world. The effectiveness of LPG Medical massage is confirmed clinically and despite the fact that in Poland it is mainly used for cellulite treatments. For example, in France it plays a significant role in physiotherapy treatments. Many of the world’s sports stars use LPG Medical before and after training. Major football clubs like Juventus, Real Madrid and Chelsea London have LPG Alliance Medical Cellu M6 for muscle recovery after training. LPG Alliance Cellu M6 is a therapeutic tool that it is suitable for hardened, fibrous, swollen or painful tissue thanks to the use of state-of-the-art technology. It reaches hard to reach places thanks to different sizes of heads.

Sports massage

One of the applications of endermology is to support the mobility of athletes. It is possible to perform a unique sports massage with many applications using the LPG Alliance apparatus. The system of massage heads and vacuum pressure enables an intensive massage of selected body parts, which provides muscle relaxation effects. Such sports massage can be performed both before and after training. A sports massage performed before training provides excellent mobility during physical exercise, stimulating blood circulation, thus contributing to better oxygenation and muscle nourishment. In turn, a sports massage performed after the training supports muscle regeneration, and allows you to get rid of nagging pain and muscle cramps. In addition, such a sports massage proves to be invaluable in the course of rehabilitation after sports injuries, significantly reducing convalescence time., People doing sport can have a sport massage done on an as and when basis, in the case of discomforts from the musculoskeletal system but also regularly as part of improving the work of joints and muscles during training.


  • Muscle pain
  • Muscle cramp
  • Muscle damage
  • prevents the formation of edema
  • Faster recovery
  • Time saving

Therapeutic massage

LPG Medical, a body massage treatment using specialized equipment is an excellent therapeutic tool. Such a therapeutic massage is widely used in patients after injuries or operations, because it significantly accelerates recovery. A therapeutic massage is perfect for increasing mobility of joints after arthroplasty, as well as during convalescence and rehabilitation after other orthopedic procedures. This treatment also has pain-free effects, which makes it possible to put the patient into motion more quickly after surgery. As a therapeutic massage LPG Endermology also works after other types of surgical procedures. Then the LPG Alliance treatment reduces pain and minimizes the risk of fibrosis of postoperative scars. Therapeutic massage is also used in patients suffering from systemic sclerosis or skin grafts, in which it ensures the skin’s elasticity. High effectiveness of therapeutic massage results from stimulation of blood circulation, which results in the effective oxygenation and nourishment of tissues. This means a more efficient course of regenerative processes. At the same time, fibroblasts are stimulated and collagen fibers are synthesized, which results in increased skin elasticity.

Relaxation massage

People exposed to stress very often react to nervous tension not only with irritability or sleeping problems, as well as increased muscle tension. This applies mainly to the back and neck muscles, which generates backache, neck pain and headaches. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid a stressful lifestyle, but you can minimize the negative impact of stress on your well-being. A relaxation massage is an ideal way for relaxing and reducing tension muscle pain. The back massage and spine massage are the most frequently performed, but this type of massage can be made on any part of the muscles. An endothermic massage is an innovative solution. Its advantage over manual relaxation massage is the possibility of using a head with massage rollers, which additionally generates vacuum pressure. This allows you to make an extremely effective massage that perfectly stimulates blood circulation, promotes oxygenation and muscle nourishment. In addition, it is possible to adjust the intensity of the massage to the individual preferences of the patient. The effect of the relaxation massage is to relax the muscles, reduce pain, and the additional benefit is the effect of firming the skin.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is a massage performed to improve the flow of lymph. Thanks to this, it is possible to effectively remove toxins and harmful metabolic products from the body, as well as liquids accumulated in excess in the subcutaneous tissue. The most effective lymphatic massage is the one performed using the innovative LPG Alliance apparatus, which uses vacuum pressure. Thanks to this, lymphatic massage turns out to be extremely effective and precise, because the head enables lymphatic drainage along lymphatic vessels or towards the nearest lymphatic vessels. Thanks to this, lymphatic massage turns out to be extremely effective and precise, because the head enables lymphatic drainage along lymphatic vessels or towards the nearest lymphatic vessels, which results in the reduction of edema with a variety of substrates, including edema after surgical operations (including mastectomy), edema after liposuction, after injuries or edema on the basis of circulatory disorders. Lymphatic massage also proves to be helpful in the slimming process, as it helps to burn fat and maintain a firm shape. Lymphatic drainage is also ideal for people suffering from gout, osteoarthritis or neuropathies. It is recommended to perform a series of 8 – 10 treatments, as well as repeat procedure.

Effects After Mastectomy

Athletes recommend

Sports teams

LPG Medical - Application


  • Rheumatology (lumbago, ligament injuries, back pain, neck pain, before / after surgery)
  • Before and after orthopedic surgery (replacement of joints)
  • Traumatology (dislocations, restoration of mobility)

Scars and fibrosis

  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory scars
  • Postoperative scars
  • Skin grafts
  • Scleroderma

LPG Medical - Treatment benefits


  • Painless treatments a few days after surgery
  • Long-lasting pain relief
  • Reduction of fibrosis
  • Improving mobility
  • Reduced convalescence period

Scars and fibrosis

  • Precision head designed for hard to reach areas
  • Painless treatment
  • Can be used within the first days after surgery or after an injury
  • Reduction of fibrosis
  • Improvement of lymphatic flow
  • Improving joint mobility
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LPG Alliance Medical Cellu M6

Procedure 1 Procedure Package Package