Photorejuvenation Krakow

Dye-VL Alma Harmony XL Pro

Photo rejuvenation is the most popular anti-age treatment due to the short convalescence period, a small number of contraindications and spectacular effects. We are able to turn back time and restore a young and radiant look to our skin thanks to the capabilities of modern lasers. Photo rejuvenation treatment is recommended for all those who have observed signs of skin aging. Light during treatment reaches deep into the skin shortening collagen fibers and stimulating fibroblasts, and cells become active and our skin begins to rebuild itself thanks to this. Thanks to photo rejuvenation, we not only sooth out small wrinkles, but get rid of sun discolorations, freckles, dilated capillaries, erythema and narrow skin pores. Photo rejuvenation treatment is most effective when we perform it in a series of 4-6 treatment sessions, depending on the needs of the skin.

The course of treatment:

We select the right parameters for the patient’s skin after careful consultation with a cosmetologist and exclusion of possible contraindications. Then, protective goggles are worn and the skin is covered with an ultrasound gel. Then the cosmetologist illuminates the skin with the laser head. During the procedure only delicate pins are felt which are cooled, which reduces the feeling of discomfort. After the treatment, the discoloration becomes darker which is a completely normal reaction. During the next 2 weeks there will be a gentle exfoliation. Also in the case of a denser “grid” of blood vessels we have to be patient and wait about 2 weeks for the final effect. After the treatment, we apply a special soothing cream, because the skin may be red. Cały zabieg trwa od 20 do 60 min.

Post treatment:

It is not advisable to use the same day make-up and cosmetics with alcohol in its composition. You need to remember not to sunbathe before and after treatment and use a high filter cream before leaving the house. Do not use the sauna, swimming pool and solarium. You need to remember that the older the discoloration, the more resistant to removal it is, desirable and the best results will be obtained after a series of treatments. Then you will also notice that the skin has become firmer and brighter. Recent studies presented at the Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-age indicate that people who have had photo rejuvenation treatment with IPL technology at least once a year, the skin was younger and firmer than 10 years previously.

See the effects of our treatments
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