Endermolift Krakow


Awarded with the “Pearl of Dermatology 2017”. Endermolift is “Face Emdermology” which, through intense massage, reduces the signs of skin aging and improves its overall condition. Treatment procedure in this technology also affect the subcutaneous tissue, thanks to which lipolysis of the adipose tissue can be increased by 70%, and the production of collagen increases by up to 240%. ENDERMOLIFT ™ is a non-aggressive and effective cell stimulation treatment that prevents aging, providing visible and lasting results. Endermolift LPG firms and improves the quality of the skin, sharpens the contour, smooth the grooves and the first wrinkles. is an excellent treatment for people of all ages. LPG has developed a 100% natural, anti-aging technology that complements the skin, relieves signs of aging, leaving the face radiant and rejuvenated. Endermolift is the only surgical technique in the world capable of stimulating the natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid (+80%) * Prevention and control of signs of aging should be treated as … regular training that will mechanically stimulate the skin and its deeper layers (including subcutaneous tissue) in the most natural and painless way, respecting the skin type and its sensitivity.

Endermolift facial massage

People who notice signs of skin aging, as well as anyone who wants to slow down the appearance of adverse changes on their face, can opt for facial massage. This is a professional endermologic treatment for the face and neck, which is distinguished by a completely non-invasive character. Such facial massage, performed using the latest Endermolift equipment is an extremely pleasant and relaxing treatment, during which you can effectively firm your skin and eliminate signs of aging. The treatment lasts about 30 minutes and consists in applying the head to the face, which uses vacuum pressure to perform facial massage. The effect of lymphatic drainage is achieved, i.e. stimulation of lymph circulation and removal of toxins, as well as stimulation of deeper layers of the skin and stimulation of synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. The face regains the desired oval thanks to the use of LPG endermology, and there is a noticeable reduction of bags and lividity under the eyes. Skin density is increased, and small wrinkles become flattened. This rejuvenating facial massage oxygenates skin cells and stimulates microcirculation, which gives the complexion radiance and healthy tone. The unique anti-aging facial massage provides noticeable effects, therefore it will be perfect for an important time out, especially because it does not require convalescence as a banquet treatment. However, the most optimal effect will be ensured by a series of treatments using such advanced facial massage. How often should it be performed? The recommended treatment schedule is a series of 8 – 10 treatment procedures performed twice a week. After which, treatment procedures are recommended twice a month.

Skin firming, and the effects following the first Endermolift treatment procedure

Micro-strokes are induced on the skin surface during the Endermolift procedure, which lead to stimulation of skin cells and to increase the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The effect of skin rejuvenation is achieved thanks to this, which becomes more elastic and supple and regains its natural density. This treatment effectively eliminates the signs of skin aging, such as even small wrinkles.

Your skin also deserves fitness!

Usually, when thinking about care, we limit ourselves to washing face, applying creams and facial masks. However, what keeps your skin in good condition and makes it strong, firm and smooth, is the connective tissue lying at its base. We propose simple and effective training that tones, strengthens and rejuvenates the face, neck, cleavage and breasts in order to strengthen it.

Your skin will undergo intensive training for 30 minutes and you will be able to relax. You will feel that the face becomes firmer and younger from the first session. These effects will increase with each subsequent treatment. Endermolift will also improve the effectiveness of the cosmetics used and perfectly complement other treatments such as needle mesotherapy.

Before and After

Endermolift przedEndermolift po
Endermolift przedEndermolift po

LPG Alliance Endermolift – Indications

  • improved skin firmness of the face, neck and cleavage
  • face oval modelling
  • levelling of fine wrinkles
  • improving the skin tone
  • reducing swelling, for example around the eyes
  • getting rid of the double chin

LPG Alliance Endermolift – Contraindications

  • inflammations
  • infections
  • cancer
  • anticoagulants
  • cold sores
  • inflammatory acne
See the effects of our treatments
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Endermolift Krakow

Procedure 1 Procedure package of 10 treatments Package

Endermolift / face massage


1 Procedure

130 PLN

package of 10 treatments

1000 PLN

1300 PLN


1 Procedure

130 PLN

package of 10 treatments

1000 PLN

1300 PLN

under the eyes

1 Procedure

100 PLN

package of 10 treatments

800 PLN

1000 PLN

ujędrnianie skóry

1 Procedure

130 PLN

package of 10 treatments

1000 PLN

1300 PLN